PUBLISHER: Amber Allure Publishing
RELEASE DATE: February 1, 2015
It was only a
game, right? An adult twist on "Capture the Flag". Very adult,
actually. Especially the "flag" and where it went. In fact, the only
similarity between the kid version and the adult version was you still needed
to capture your opponent's flag to win. So how the hell had Camden ended up
here? Oh yeah, that's right, Tanner, Camden's good buddy from college. He was
not going to let Camden waste another birthday. In fact, he was hell-bent on
getting Camden laid. So much so, the idiot set up this entire weekend gig. And
that's where Camden found himself now; on a remote island, crashing through the
woods, playing a chase and capture game, trying like hell to stay ahead of his
But why was he
the one being chased? Why was Camden the prey and that big, sexy, dark haired,
muscle bound, relentless god of a man, Gunner, the hunter? It should be the
other way around because it was Camden's birthday, damn it! Well, thankfully
there were going to be three rounds played because it looked like Camden was
going down before even reaching the first check point. Yep. Going down on all
fours, flag confiscated and…well, let’s just say he would be screwed.
So... what was the down side of losing again?
So... what was the down side of losing again?
Exclusive Excerpt from Chase and Capture
“So, Tanner
told me you had a nasty breakup with your last…lover.”
choked and nearly spit his coffee right back out. “Tanner has a big mouth,” he
growled, wiping his mouth and setting his cup down.
laughed as he looked around tentatively. “That surprises you?”
sighed. “No.”
“So what
moaned. Crap, that idiot of a so-called friend. What the hell was he trying to
do? If this was his way of getting Camden laid it wasn’t any kind of right path
to take. Keep emotions and shit out of it. But he decided to answer the
question anyway. He would just have to try harder to keep his heart safe. This
was nothing but a diversion for all of them. No one was going home engaged to
be married.
“Keith was
his name. And I simply figured out the guy was nuts, that’s all.” Camden took a
long sip from the coffee cup, relishing the heat and the knowledge that sweet
caffeine was making its way to his veins.
Camden eyed
Gunner as he watched him look around the room. “What are you doing? Picking out
targets?” For some reason it irritated him that Gunner just might be sizing up
the other men in the room, because Camden hadn’t missed how they were certainly
sizing him up. This god he sat with was want for nothing and each and every one
of them had to know that by now. They acted like school girls giggling behind
their hands and all but pointing.
“Just making
sure—how did you put it again—nerd face—isn’t
lurking around anywhere.”
Camden had
to laugh. “What? Why?”
beautiful blue eyes came back to rest on Camden’s face. “If he comes, and he
will, he’ll sit here and we’ll have to stop talking. I don’t want him to
overhear anything you and I talk about.”
It was so
matter of fact, so genuine, Camden’s heart leaped. Then he saw Gunner smile. If
he hadn’t already been tumbling down that steep hill into the bottomless
ravine, that smile would have surly sent him.
“So how nuts
we talking? Babbling idiot or evil doer?”
Camden had
to laugh again, because it took him a second to come back to the original
question. “You mean Keith? Probably babbling, I guess. Actually, he just…he
constantly thought I was cheating on him. Drove me crazy.”
“Were you?”
Cheating? Hell, no! I don’t do things like that. But it never stopped him from
thinking it and grilling me day in and day out about it. ‘Where’d you go for
lunch? With who? Who else did you see?’ He even hacked into my email to be able
to read everything coming in and going out. It wasn’t so bad when it was my
personal email, but somehow he was able to get into the one at work, too. I
never had anything to hide, but it was still an invasion. Not to mention the
fact he obviously didn’t trust me.”
“Geez. The
guys was a fruit loop.”
“That’s not
the half of it. Once he even hid out in the bushes outside where I work and
watched me with binoculars. Some old lady saw him and called the cops and the
next thing I know I get called into the office and given a warning letter like
I had something to do with it. They eventually rescinded the letter, but it was
fucking embarrassing to find out you’re being stalked by your own boyfriend.”
“That when
you ended it?”
“I wish. No.
He claimed to have had a bad reaction to some pain meds he was on at the time.
He had hurt his back and was off work and was taking Vicodin and he swore they
were making him loopy. No, I waited until a year ago today—yep, you got it, on
my birthday—to come home to every piece of glass I owned broken and lying all
over my apartment. Keith was yelling and screaming obscenities while being pushed
up against the wall in a police headlock, all the while my next door neighbor,
Mrs. Erickson, was wagging her finger at me telling me I’m going to hell
because of being gay.” He took another large sip of coffee. “Then, while I’m
cleaning up the mess after the police took Keith away, my landlord shows up
with eviction papers. Happy birthday to me.”
That’s messed up. Tanner also said something about your car?”
“Oh yeah.
Smashed to smithereens with a baseball bat the very next day.”
“I never saw
him, but he was out on bail and the bat looked suspiciously like his. Who else
would do it? But I didn’t need evidence to get a restraining order on him. Not
that he paid any attention to it.”
“Where is he
“No clue,
really. Hopefully he lost interest in bullying me and has moved on. But…it’s
taken me a bit longer.”
“What do you
this is the first time… Let’s just say my good buddy, Tanner, intends I get
laid this weekend.”
smiled. It looked feral, like the man was going to attack at any moment.
So hot.
Hurri Cosmo lives in Minnesota where she holds tight to the
idea that there, where it’s cold a good part of the year, she won’t age as
fast. Yep, she avoids the truth as much as she avoids mirrors. But one of the
reasons she loves writing is reality doesn’t always offer up a “happily ever
after” and being able to take control of that is a powerful lure. Being a happy
ending junkie, writing just makes them easier to find. Oh, she doesn’t mind
“real life” and she does try to at least keep it in mind when she writes her
stories, but she truly loves creating a wonderful couple, knowing they will
fall in love and have their HEA. Every - single - time. And, of course, that is
exactly the reason she loves reading this genre, too. Give her a glass of red
wine, some dark chocolate, and her computer, whether she is reading or writing,
and she will entertain herself for hours. The fact she actually gets paid to do
it is Snickers bars on the frosting on the cake.
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